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Marketing Survey form

Based on the information you have been presented tonight, please take our marketing survey. Feel free to give as many comments as you would like. Be as candid as you like; the more honest feedback we get, the better our company will be. If you think of additional features/benefits, please add to our Feature Benefit Feature Benefit page. After you have completed the survey, click on the [Submit] button to post your response. Feel free to [Submit] more than one survey--your privacy is ensured. Thank you so much for your time and input.

First Name
Last Name
Do you like the name "Codewarp"?
Q1 Yes No
Q1 Comment  
Do you like the tagline "Advanced Application Builder for the Internet and Beyond"?
Q2 Yes No
Q2 Comment  
In your own words, please state the features that we have described Codewarp as having.
Do you feel there is a need for a tool with these features?
If you feel there is a need, in your opinion, what type of person/company needs this type of tool?
Q5 Comment  
Based on the demonstration, do you feel that Codewarp actually offers the features that we are claiming?
Have there been specific situations in your life where having access to Codewarp would have benefited you?
Q7 Yes No
Please select the price closest to what you would pay for the use of Codewarp to create one module (i.e. People & Orgs) with standardized customization.
Based on the demonstration, please select the feature/benefit that is most needed for further development.
Q9 Other
Please select the most valuable feature/benefit that you believe Codewarp delivers.
Q10 Other